Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Sound Advice with Spocka Summa
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
In the bonus episode Spocka Summa and I talk about the path creativity can take, he shares a couple words on a lesson his grandfather passed down to him, and we get into the first time he performed in the crowd.
As you've been hearing throughout our interview Spocka is well known for his live show so I wanted to share a song from his performance at RevivialFest in 2018 (video credit: Lisa Gourley). The song is "001" from The Progression EP.
Please tell a friend about this show, and it would be super rad if subscribed and left a rating or review wherever you are listening right now
Interview recorded June 30th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Spocka Summa
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Spocka Summa is an incredible rapper, artist, gallery owner, show producer and so much more! In our interview we get into all this including his thoughts on mixtape culture, what he puts into his live shows, the concept behind No Robots, and an exclusive announcement of where he's talking the project next!!!
We had our conversation prior to the launch of Public's fundraising campaign so we didn't get into that with too much detail. You can support this wonderful space by visiting publicshopandgallery.com to learn more and donate to their "This Ain't Free" campaign which will help cover overdue bills, fund projects in the fall & winter, and assist in securing a new space next spring.
And... don't forget to support Spocka directly by picking up some merch + music at spockasumma.com/shop (you check out my "Anti-Robot Club" special segment to get more insight into Spocka's designs and concepts too)
Interlude song order:
"Alone (prod. by Blake)" from LIVE WIRE 3000 VOLTZ mixtape
"No Robots (prod. by Last Child)" from The Greeen
"Winter (prod. by Last Child)" from The Progression
"Valley Of Wires" by LastChildMusik (instrumental preview clip from the forthcoming release)
"Titan (prod. by Last Child)" from The Greeen
Interview recorded June 25th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
***If you enjoy the episode please leave a rating or review wherever you're listening right now!***
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
RI 5 with B. Dolan
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
Thursday Jul 16, 2020
B. Dolan shares his favorite PVD record shop... that he didn't want to tell you... but he does anyway, as well as some evening treats he had growing up and where he likes to spend time in the State of Rhode Island.
This bonus episode includes a favorite song of mine off his album, Kill The Wolf, entitled "Memory of Bombs" which features our friend Roz Raskin. As with almost all of B's lyrics this song is powerful and poignant.
Interview recorded May 29th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
***If you enjoy the episode please leave a rating or review wherever you're listening right now!***
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Sound Advice with B. Dolan
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
B. Dolan shares what I believe is a very insightful piece of advice that he learned from Sage Francis that relates to perspective and success. He talks about what he thinks true self reliance can mean for an artist.
Also included is his song "Which Side Are You On?" which is an important track that has become a bit of an anthem for B. Dolan. As you listen to this song, remember that the mixtape it came out on (as well as the song "Film The Police") - House of Bees Vol. 2 - was released over 8 years ago
Interview recorded May 29th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
***If you enjoy the episode please leave a rating or review wherever you're listening right now!***
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
B. Dolan (Epic Beard Men, Knowmore.org, Strange Famous Records, Vault)
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
B. Dolan and I dove into a lot of things during our interview... from how he got into rap music, to his creative and recording process, his activism work, the band he was in that he described as "hip hop + Fort Thunder", the start of Epic Beard Men with Sage Francis, and all the way up to what he's doing now to stay afloat and connected with his fans during this time that he can't tour.
Interlude song order:"Young Americans (feat. Sole)" by B. Dolan"Safety Theater" by B. Dolan"Jailbreak (feat. Aesop Rock, Buck 65, and Dave Lamb)" by B. Dolan"Five Hearts" by Epic Beard Men"Isolated score from the movie 'VAULT (2019)'" by B. Dolan"Pistol Dave (feat. Slug of Atmosphere)" by Epic Beard Men
Interview recorded May 29th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
***If you enjoy the episode please leave a rating or review wherever you're listening right now!***
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Spocka Summa "Anti-Robot Club" special segment
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Sunday Jun 28, 2020
Spocka Summa is an artist not only known for his engaging live shows but also for his thought-provoking imagery and merchandise! In this special bonus segment he talks about the quickly expanding line of cohesive and well-designed gear he has coming out (printed locally in Pawtucket at Classsick Custom) and an announcement about the "Anti-Robot Club".
If you have the means... show Spocka some support and pick up some merch at spockasumma.com/shop
Episode also includes the track Titan off of his 2019 EP "The Greeen"
Interview recorded June 25th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
RI 5 with Armand Aromin
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Thursday Jun 25, 2020
Give a listen to find the pattern with some of Armand Aromin's favorite things in Rhode Island!
The end of this bonus episode has a favorite song of mine from The Vox Hunters latest record -Fresh From The Board: Music From The Ocean State Songster, Volume 1 - which is a ballad entitled "The Single Sailor".
Interview recorded May 16th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Sound Advice with Armand Aromin
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
Thursday Jun 18, 2020
In this bonus episode Armand Aromin shares some words of encouragement... what can happen at pub sings... and the merits of making something your own.
The end of the episode includes a live performance by The Vox Hunters at The Music Mansion in 2017 (video credit: The Music Mansion) The song is "Bristol March" originally composed by Oliver Shaw. For those not familiar with Oliver - he composed dozens and dozens songs during his career which began in the early 1800s and was recognized by some as the very first American-born music star in the United States. In 2012, Oliver Shaw was inducted into the inaugural class of the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame.
Interview recorded May 16th, 2020 via ZoomIntro music by CedrosHosted by James Toomey

A podcast about Rhode Island's music scene
Hey everyone, it's James!
As a touring musician and board member of the Rhode Island Music Hall of Fame I knew there were stories of our state's rich musical history that many (including myself) may not know.
I started this podcast to shine light on these incredible performers from a diverse selection of genres; and learn about their careers - how they got their start, where they played shows, and the other bands and musicians that performed along beside them - in hopes of archiving RI's dynamic music scene and showcasing the artists representing our country's smallest state.
Hosted by James Toomey
Est. March 2019
Header photo by James Lastowski
Shot during my interview with Chachi Carvalho at Beatbox Studio